jueves, 23 de febrero de 2012

Call for Papers: Words and Matter, The Virgin Mary in Late Medieval Parish Life

Rosa Vidal nos hace llegar información sobre la posibilidad de enviar colaboraciones para participar en un congreso sobre la figura de la Virgen María y los relatos sobre ella en la Edad Media:

Dear friends and colleagues,

See below for a call for papers that may be of interest to some of you.

Best wishes,


Subject: CFP II - Words and Matter: the Virgin Mary in Late Medieval Parish Life

Dear all!
Attached to this e-mail is  the second  call for paper to a workshop in Umeå next year. Please let it be known to scholars interested in the field and feel all very welcome to Umeå. Information about the work shop can also be found at  http://virginmaryworkshop.wordpress.com/.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
For the organization committee,
Jonas Carlquist, professor of Scandinavian Languages.

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