viernes, 6 de mayo de 2011

International Medieval Meeting Lleida 2011

Desde la organización del congreso nos llega el programa del Congreso Internacional que se celebrará en Lleida entre el 28 de junio y el 1 de julio de 2011:

Dear colleagues,

     I have the pleasure to send you the definitive programme of the International Medieval Meeting Lleida, that will be held between 28th June and 1st July 2011, with the different conferences, invited papers, free sessions and papers, posters, business and many activities around the Medieval Ages. We will be very happy if you could to join us and participate it.
The attendees’ enrollment is open at the website of the Meeting:

Please, take a look to the definitive programme. We hope you enjoy it

Don’t hesite to ask us any question:

Best Regards

Flocel Sabaté

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